Basic Instructions
The decathlon consists of 10 challenges, one per month.
Each challenge is broken down into four weekly assignments.
On route there will be links to videos, blog posts, and podcasts. These links are important for two reasons: (1) they will clarify what the learning objectives are for individual assignments, and (2) they will provide motivation to persevere through sloth, fatigue, and, yes, at times boredom.
This path is not haphazard, but follows a strategic itinerary as outlined in The Way Forward: a Road-map of Spiritual Growth for Men in the 21st C. by Joe Barnard. If the decathlon itself is the trail you will be following, this book is the road-map. We advise that each participate have a copy.
“God, give me a deep humility, a well-guided zeal, a burning love and a single eye—and then let men or devils do their worst! (George Whitefield).”
How to Maximize the Benefits
Don’t attempt this alone. Do this with a friend, a mentor, someone you are discipling, or a band of brothers. Men grow best when men grow together.
Don’t take shortcuts. Complete the assignments. We can show you a road, but you have walk it.
Watch the videos and read the blog posts. They will keep you focused and nudge you forward.
Our Most Important Advice:
Recruit a Band of Brothers
The decathlon can be completed by individuals, but this method is not recommended. Nothing fuels growth more powerfully than spiritual camaraderie. Therefore, our recommendation is that, before you begin, you find at least one friend who will commit to finishing this journey with you. Better yet, recruit a band of 4-6 Christian brothers. The net result of doing this as a group will be that, once the challenges are finished, a band of spiritual friends will have formed that can stick together down the much longer road of obedience to Christ.